A key event in Central China

The fifth edition of the Festival des Vins de Bordeaux and Aquitaine be held October 31 and November 1 in Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province in China.
This event, organized by the Agency for Promotion Food Aquitaine (AAPrA), the Gironde Chamber of Agriculture and the Aquitaine Region, will carry the label of the fiftieth anniversary of the Franco-Chinese diplomatic relations.
Become over the years a major event for professionals in the wine distribution center in China, the Bordeaux and Aquitaine Wine Festival annually brings together more than 2,000 participants (panelists, professionals, consumers initiated …) .
One hundred wines candidates to “Coup de Coeur”Trophies
A selection of award-winning wines at the Bordeaux – Aquitaine Wine Awards come back in competition at the contest “Coup de Coeur” Tophiest where they will be tasted by a panel of Chinese buyers, importers and distributors. Their reward: to profit share specific promotion and carrying on the most prestigious shows such as Vinexpo Bordeaux and Hong Kong, Tan Jiu Hui in Chengdu …
50 business to business meetings
Spread over two half-days, meetings buyers BtoB, organized by UBIFRANCE and AAPrA, allow 12 Aquitaine companies to showcase their wines at companies specializing in wine distribution in Central China.
The master class … to go further in the discovery of Bordeaux and Aquitaine Wines
Discovering one’s knowledge, these are the objectives of these tasting sessions that win every year a great success. 5 aquitaine appellations will be presented: Bordeaux / Bordeaux Supérieur, Côtes de Bordeaux, Bordeaux Sweet, Sweet Bergerac and Armagnac.
Discover the Best of Awards “Coup de Coeur” Trophies from October 31 to www.concours de bordeaux.com.